If you run try these techniques to relieve muscle pain and soreness.
You can watch this video at the YouTube site under the title Massage for Runners: Do It While You View It.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Self-Massage Techniques for Runners
Monday, August 18, 2008
Lance Armstrong Joins the Self-Massage Movement
With a recent article on his Livestrong website, Lance Armstrong has demonstrated a willingness to use of his celebrity to promote one of the most neglected and important healthcare therapies available. The article advocates and teaches the use of self-massage. It reports that self-massage is easy to learn and offers healthful self-massage routines for shoulders, feet, hands, and abs.
The feature states that, “Massage is one of the easiest ways to attain and maintain good health and well-being.” It sites improved circulation, relaxed muscles, improved digestion, increased energy, and the release of endorphins as some of the many benefits of massage.
Lance Armstrong has been an effective champion of improved public health and fitness since his battle with cancer and subsequent triumphs at the Tour de France for a record seven consecutive victories. His website is designed to inspire visitors to make healthy lifestyle changes.
As an athlete and cancer survivor, Lance knows the value of massage. He also knows that most people can’t afford to hire a professional massage therapist as often as needed, which, for active people, may be as frequently as every day.
As Lance knows from first hand experience, the boost that massage gives to the immune system is significant and is reason enough for everyone to enjoy a daily massage. A great deal of research has been performed on this issue by Dr. Tiffany Field, director of the Touch Research Institutes at the University of Miami.
There is an increasing awareness of the benefits of self-massage among active people. With its growing popularity, self-massage may be on its way to becoming a significant movement in health and fitness. If so it will be in part due to Mr. Armstrong’s efforts.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Do All Runners Need a Massage?
1. A 30-year-old Kara Goucher training to compete in the 5K and 10K at the Olympics?
A 60-year-old Frank Shorter doing his daily run and workout?
Your Answer:______________
2. A 42-year-old man who runs three times a week and has a history of calf muscle pain and injuries?
A 22-year old distance runner who just signed a contract with Nike and whose feet look like salad dressing?
Your Answer:______________
3. A 14-year-old running cross country for the first time in high school and trying to figure out what her body can do?
A 72-year-old man who loves running but has been plagued with a series of overuse injuries lately?
Your Answer______________
4. A 32-year old chemical engineer whose quads are killing him when he wakes up the morning after an intense run?
A 27-year old attorney who just started a running program after years of inactivity and is feeling uneasy about running and pain in her shins?
Your Answer______________
5. A 22-year-old steeple chase collegiate all-American preparing for the Beijing Olympics? or A 32-year-old guy training for his first marathon and planning to run in under 3 hours? Your Answer______________
6. A former bike racer who at age 36 describes running a marathon as the toughest thing he’s ever done?
A 49-year-old woman who is going to a massage therapist twice a week but just lost her job and can’t afford to continue?
Your Answer______________
7. A 43-year-old ultra runner who has just been diagnosed with breast cancer?
A 35-year-old woman who loves running but misses six weeks per year due to illness?
Your Answer______________
8. A 52-year-old writer of books on running and games for the super intelligent who has a heart condition but thinks running makes him invulnerable?
A 29- year-old woman who is going though a stressful divorce?
Your Answer______________
9. You?
Your best running partner?
Your Answer______________
The answer: In all cases the person who needs a daily massage more is the one who’s not getting one. To find out why, click here.