Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Assisted Back Massage
Nice massage video at http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3t8wt_massage-what-every-athlete-needs-ev_music
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Hip Butt Massage
Every active person needs the benefits that only massage can deliver to their glutes and hip flexors. Here’s how to get those benefits when you need them.
To get the best massage for your hips and glutes, you’ll need a couple of massage tools. For your hip flexors, those skeletal muscles that flex your hips, you'll need a Backnobber II. For your glutes a hard squash ball, super ball, or golf ball will come in handy. You'll also need a hard chair. If you have any questions about whether your hips and glutes should be massaged or any of the techniques described in this post consult your doctor, massage therapist, or medical practitioner.
Eight Steps to a Hip Glute Massage
Step 1
Glide your hands over your hips to warm them up.
Step 2: Hip Massage Using Your Hands
Stroke #1: Sitting akimbo, press your hands into your hips and roll your pelvis slowly in small circles. This should feel good.
Stroke #2: Place your thumbs on your front hip flexors (the place where your thigh meets your hips). Four fingers from each hand rest on your sides and extend towards the seat of the chair. Press & roll your thumbs into your hip flexors. If nothing else it will give your thumbs a pretty good workout. Relax your hips while pressing & rolling your thumbs. Move your thumbs around until you’ve explored the territory.
Stroke #3: Holding your hands at 90 degree angles to the sides of your hips press and press & roll your finger tips directly into the sides and backs of your hip flexors. Again explore the terrain.
Stroke #4: Press and press & roll the heels of your hands into your front hip flexors. Use your upper body weight to lean into it. Move your hips in small circles clockwise, then counter clockwise, and adjust your hands ever so slightly until you’ve got it covered.
Step 3: Hip Massage Using The Backnobber II
Stroke #1: Press and press & roll the Backnobber II into the muscle and fleshy areas on the sides of your hips. Begin at the back of your hips and gradually press & roll your way to the front. Lean your hip into the knob at the end of the massage tool while relaxing your hips. I don’t recommend massaging your hip bone with the massage tool. When you've finished massaging one side move onto the other.
Stroke #2: Front Hip Flexors
Hold the massage tool perpendicular to the floor. When massaging your right hip flexor rest the top knob on your right hip flexor. Place your left hand just above the knob and your right hand on the inside of the tool even with your right thigh and press down. Be careful you’re in delicate territory here. Go slowly and get comfortable with this stroke. Move your hands slightly to massage different spots. Or just rotate your hips in small circles. Be careful. Relax and breathe into it.
Stroke #3: Rest the bottom S curve on your front hip flexor. Then, sitting up straight, just press on the top of the upright S. Press, and press & roll the curved section at the bottom of the S into your hip flexors.
There are many more variations you can try with the Backnobber II. Find some that work for you.
Step 4: Booty Ball Massage
Place a small hard rubber ball* under your glutes and rotate your hips in small circles, clockwise and then counter clockwise. Periodically shift the position of the ball. Continue shifting the ball and circling your hips. You may find that different sized balls work better for different parts of your glutes, depending on the size of the padding in your chair and your seat. After massaging one side give your other seat a treat.
Step 5: More Booty Ball Massage
After moving the ball to your other side follow the same routine of rolling your hips and moving the ball ever so slightly until your glutes have been massaged. Stay relaxed and breathe deeply into your butt.
Step 6 Gliding
Repeat Step 2 by gliding your hands over your hips.
Step 7 Drumming
Drum, slap, or tap your hips and glutes with the heels of your hands or your fists. You’ll have to stand up to drum your glutes but it’s worth getting up for.
Step 8 Rock’n Roll
Get up and shake it, move your booty, your hips, dance!
Test: OK, now get up, walk around, and feel the difference a hip butt massage can make.
Suggested Time: 5 to 10 minutes (but take as long as you need)
Conclusion: Try variations on this routine every time your hips or butt feel a little tight.
* I highly recommend a hard squash ball. Squash balls are made of rubber of two types: hard and soft. The hard ones make great massage tools, the soft ones do not. Squash balls are a little smaller than a golf ball. Any hard rubber ball about the size of a golf ball should work. A golf ball can also be used but is not as effective as a hard rubber ball.
For more information on hip flexors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hip_flexors
For more information on the gluteus maximus muscle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glutes
And for more than you ever wanted to know about the butt: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butt
And to watch the YouTube video The Hip Booty Massage: Do It While You View It
Monday, October 20, 2008
Upper Leg Massage
If you want all the benefits of massage applied to your quads, hamstrings, IT bands, and adductors watch this video and have at it. The massage should do wonders for your upper legs. Have fun with it. Perform it regularly and you'll notice a big improvement in how you feel and your athletic performance.
To see it in writing, take a look at my last post.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Massage Your Upper Legs
Photo by orionoir
Every active person needs the benefits that massage can give their quads, hamstrings and IT bands. Here’s how to get those benefits whenever you need them.
Eight Steps to Upper Leg Bliss
Step 1
Choose the leg that most needs a massage. (for purposes of this example massage your right leg). Seated in a chair, keep your left foot on the floor and rest your right ankle on your left knee.
Step 2
Glide your hands over your upper leg to warm it up, from your knee to your glutes.
Step 3
Stroke #1: Place both feet on the floor, press your right elbow into your interior quads, relax your leg while moving your elbow in a straight line towards your hips. Don’t be afraid to lean into it. When you get to your hip bone go back down to your knee and choose a new line to go up. Repeat this process until you’ve covered your entire quadriceps. This should feel pretty good.
Stroke #2: Press your elbow into your quads and roll your elbow in small circles to get a deeper massage. Keep your leg relaxed. Look for tender spots and work them. Be gentle but firm. If you’re like me you’ll find tender spots the closer you get to your hips bones.
Step 4
IT Bands: Rest your right ankle on your knee. While pressing into your inner thigh with your left palm, use the fist of your other hand to press and press & roll into your IT bands. The trick here is to keep your IT band and upper leg muscles relaxed. To go deeper, press your palm into your inner thigh while pressing & rolling your fist into your IT band. To go even deeper, use a massage tool like the Knobble II to massage your IT bands. To relax your upper leg, try placing your right foot on the floor and massage your IT band.
Knobble II
Step 5
Inner Thigh: Rest your right ankle on your knee. Grip the outside of your knee with your left hand and press or press & roll your left elbow into your adductor (inner thigh) muscles.
Step 6
Hamstrings: Slide forward so you’re sitting towards the front of the chair and can access your hamstrings from underneath. Press & roll four fingers from each hand into your hamstrings while placing your thumbs on the sides of your leg. Keep your muscles loose and relaxed.
If you need more intensity than your fingers alone can deliver try using a massage tool. The Knobble II works great for this. Move back in your chair. Place the tool between the chair and your hamstrings and rotate your right foot in small circles an inch or so off the ground. This is a surprisingly effective way to get a hamstring massage while sitting at your desk and maybe even get some work done.
Step 7
Gliding: Repeat Step 2 by gliding your hands over your upper leg muscles, moving from your knee towards your glutes.
Step 8
Drumming: With your ankle resting on your knee drum, slap, or tap your upper leg with your fists.
Watch the YouTube video Upper Leg Massage to see what this massage looks like.
Test: OK, get up, walk around, and feel the difference between your legs. Then sit back down and massage your other leg.
Suggested Time: 3 minutes per leg (but take as long as you need)
Conclusion: Try variations on this routine every time your upper legs need it.
For more information on thigh muscles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Thigh_muscles
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Foot Massage: Do It While You View It
If you run, walk or are contemplating either try this foot massage video on for size.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Self-Massage for Runners Calf Muscles
Every runner’s calves need massage once in a while, here’s how to get it done fast and effectively.
Eight Steps to Grateful Calves
Step 1: Choose the calf that most needs a massage.
Step 2: Glide your hands over that calf to warm it up, from your ankle to your knee.
Step 3: Squeeze your calf muscles with both hands moving from your ankle towards your knee. Look for tender areas and work them a little extra. One hand should be on top of your shin bone (tibia) and the other under your calf.
Step 4: Squeeze and roll the calf muscles with both hands, begin at your ankle and move gradually towards your knee.
Step 5: Press both fists into your calf muscles moving gradually from ankle to knee.
Step 6: Press while rolling your fists vigorously into your calf muscles especially the ones on either side of your shin. Keep the muscles relaxed while you massage them and breathe out deeply.
Step 7: Repeat Step 3 by squeezing your warmed relaxed calf muscles moving from your ankle gradually towards your knee. When you’ve had enough, start
Step 8: Drumming the entire area you just massaged using your open hands.
Test: OK, get up, walk around, and feel the difference between your lower legs. Then get your butt back down and do your other leg.
Suggested Time: 2.5 minutes per calf (but take as long as you need)
Extra: All you need for a good lower leg massage is a hand and a leg. To go deeper try a massage tool, like the one pictured called the Knobble II, that will do your calves good. Press it directly
into your calf muscles beginning near your ankle and moving up gradually towards your knee. Keep the muscles relaxed and press into every spot on your calf. To go deeper, try rolling the tool as you press into the soleus and gastrocs that make up your calf muscles.
Conclusion: Try variations on this routine every time your calves need a treat. Self-massage it’s not just for cheapskates anymore.
Watch the YouTube video of this massage Lower Leg Massage: Do It While You View It
For more on calf muscles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soleus